Hi, I’m Su-Ann

Tiny Crowd Founder, Creative & Art Director

I’m anything but your typical creative. Yes, I wrangle untamable streams of creative rapids. But I also love systems, adore processes and rate a decent spreadsheet. Who can I thank for that? My accountant dad and executive PA mum. They’ve turned me into a token square-peg graphic designer. One WITH all the street cred but WITHOUT the madness that often comes with it.
Street cred that’s earned me my ‘Too-Legit-To-Quit Badge’ with iconic ecomm powerhouses like Mecca Cosmetica, Jeans West, Sportsgirl, Feather & Noise, Spotlight or Australis Cosmetics. We’re talking anything from branding to print, digital to email, web to social media.

Now you’re probably asking: 
“Why oh why would you leave the glitz and glam of big-brand ecommerce behind, Su-Ann?” Tiny Crowd started out of a desire to help purpose-driven brands―big and small―create lasting impact for good. Brands like yours.

I’m on a mission to help you leave a legacy that’s backed by an unshakable confidence in your values, worth and brand. It’s been 5+ years since I gave my first Tiny Crowd legend the designs and strategies to take their business to the next level. Creatively-led and purpose-driven. Nowadays I’ve got a brilliant team to back up  my Tiny Crowd design efforts, and I can’t see myself slowing down any time soon.

Guilty pleasures

Soy chai lattes (loose-leaf not powdered), salt and vinegar crinkle cut chips, a cheeky cocktail (did anyone say gin?)

Titles to my name

#1 reality TV fan, professional gift giver, cat lover, foodie, world’s best listener

Non-designer Su-Ann loves

Travelling the world, a challenging pilates session, baking sourdough bread and forgetting time over a good book.


Welcome to a human-centred take on product-based design

We’ll tell your story. Visually.
We’ll reveal your inner beauty. Authentically.
We’ll tap into the opportunities ahead of you. Strategically.

Together we’ll create contemporary brand magic that leaves a legacy and opens doors.

Tiny Crowd is for intentional purpose-led brands like yours
Guilty pleasures

Did someone say chocolate? Oh, and a carby serve of pasta (possibly daily)

Titles to my name

Most attention-grabbing hair (can’t hide her in a crowd)

Hanging out with friends, grabbing a decent Melbourne coffee and browsing the odd op shop.

Meet Ellie

She supports me as a part-time graphic designer from her home base of Melbourne. That’s where she also gets her creative hat on for a tattoo parlour when she’s not busy bringing your ecomm designs to life.

Meet Madi

As my VA, she keeps your projects on track and makes sure everything at Tiny Crowd runs like clockwork. She might be based in Perth, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have her finger on the pulse at Tiny Crowd HQ.

Guilty pleasures

Can’t stop at one chicken nugget or margarita (not necessarily together)

Titles to my name

Quite possibly Australia’s Kardashian Trivia Queen (She’s yet to fail a question)

Non-VA Madi loves

Podcasts in her ears, trashy TV on repeat and long lunches with her favourite people

My Incredible Support Crew
Non-designer Ellie loves

“Su-Ann takes it one step further by not only understanding the design brief, but also getting  to know you personally. That means she adds a  personal connection into her designs that  represents you emotionally.”

– Christina Su, Founder @ Bayeco Skincare

Working with Tiny Crowd is anything but a blanket approach.

Join #teamtinycrowd as we embark on a journey of self-discovery that gives you the confidence to step up and be seen. Because you’re worthy. Because you’re uniquely YOU.

Embrace your purpose

Fall in love with purpose-driven and intentional design that goes beyond pretty pictures or a trendy colour palette. Everything we create is strategic and considered. Together we’ll give your brand a presence with meaning and impact that defies the trends.

Impress with Uniqueness

Appreciate design that values crafts-woman-ship. That takes time to mature. That translates your story visually. Together we’ll highlight your point of difference so you can stand out among the crowd and be instantly recognisable for YOU.

Discover the joy

The RIGHT design can absolutely reinvigorate your brand. Together we’ll spark your joy for your brand so you can’t wait to live and breathe it in everything you do. Why? Because it’s a reflection of your values and the greater impact you have in this world of ours. And that should be applauded!

Show up with impact

Step away from vanity metrics and start building a legacy that goes beyond followers and likes. Together we’ll create visual experiences that inspire people to take action. Because they believe in what you do.

Build genuine connections

Use your brand as a vehicle to connect with YOUR people. Together we’ll design something  that sparks deeper conversations and builds a community of like-minded people where all of  them feel understood. 


“Amber is a creative genius and she totally


my brand!”

rocked my world!”

— shanna, food stylist

How to launch your next campaign

Launching a campaign in the e-commerce world can feel overwhelming. We have created the essential steps you need to launch your next campaign with ease.